Mistakes I've Made
Sometimes hard to admit, but I've definitely made more than a few.
Everyone makes mistakes and I am certainly no stranger to messing up.
It's hard enough to admit to yourself when you've been wrong,
It's nearly impossible, though, to admit out loud to others that you've not been who they thought you were, done something stupid, hurt someone, etc
Writing a blog, sometimes we tend to share only what we want others to see, which I suppose is pretty normal.
However, it isn't honest and it sometimes makes others wish their lives were simpler, different...
The grass is always greener... you know?
I think of teenagers, on TikTok, who portray themselves as prettier, richer, happier, thinner, etc to make others like them, to get clicks, to get comments and likes, but really it's so hurtful to not just admit faults -
to allow others to see the real you.
I want to attempt to just...be real.
And to maybe talk about some of the mistakes I've made along the way that made me who I am -
The person God intended.